
WindowMaker app. launcher

Small application for WindowMaker which allows you to lauch other programs from within one icon. Three buttons are displayed at once in the icon, other can be displayed by scrolling.\r\nProgram is based on wmappl 0.2 by Casey Harkins which doesn't use labels but displays 6 buttons (icons only).\r\nProgram wmal is useful for grouping applications of the same type but with different task, e.g. terminal sessions to different computers.\r\nThe appliction doesn't require any special libraries, it uses standart XWindows interface.


Filename Version Type OS
wmal-0.1.2.tar.gz 0.1.2 Archiv tar, tgz, gz, bzip2, zi Un*x
wmal-0.1.2-1.src.rpm 0.1.2 Zdrojové RPM Un*x
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