
Web projects

We don't make web presentations anymore. If you want one, create it using Wordpress or alike offered by almost every hosting.

We can create a tailored web application using Flutter or Angular Dart.

Following list is just to show how many web presentations we made. Many of them are already completely renewed by their current webmasters or don't exist anymore.

Visací Zámek

The web pages od the Czech Punkrock band Visací Zámek. The web offers complete info about the band, list of events, photogallery, forum, hit parade...

Design of pages: an.y-co.de

Technologies used: PHP, XML, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Cookies

Source texts of the presentation are stored in a MySQL database. Part of these texts is processed by a XML parser to display only relevant parts accoriding to the chosen language. \r\nThe pages are displayed using the templates defining page layouts. The look is defined in the CSS.\r\nPanel switching and hitparade voting is written in Javascript using the prototypejs.org toolkit.\r\nSome settings are stored in cookies.

Castle Levan

Medieval castle in Scotland near Glasgow with B&B.

Design of pages: www.form08.com

Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, Javascript

On-line accommodation booking with data stored in a database and admin notififation.\r\nAdmin interface for booking management.


Local ISP pages

Design of pages: www.dobragrafika.cz

Technologies used: XHTML, CSS

Static pages, converted from JPG design to HTML and CSS\r\n

Information system Bezdrat.NET

Information system for admins, dealers and clients of Bezdrat.NET network.

Design of pages: www.fortech.cz

Technologies used: PHP, PostgreSQL, CSS, Javascript

An information system interface written in PHP used for displaying information to customers, dealers and admins. It allows password changes for various services, displaying of services utilization and services settings.\r\nData in the database are filled from an admin interface and by several tens of Perl scripts running on various servers.\r\nThe database backend is running on PostgreSQL which uses stored procedures and triggers written in procedural languages plPgSql, plPerl and plTcl.


An education system aimed to real human in real situations and conditions

Design of pages: www.form08.com

Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS

Part of the presentation is dynamically generated from the database

  • a list of programs divided to various categories
  • application forms
  • discussion
  • client registration and client section
  • admin interface with a hierarchy, management of clients, applications, discussions

Regional Muzeum Litomyšl

Design of pages: www.wsd.cz

Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, Templates

Remake of the original static pages to a database for easier administration and maintanence. Most od the information is stored in the MySQL database, fetched by PHP scripts and displayed using Templates.\r\n

Patchowork and quilt group of Litomyšl

A group of skilful women and men hands able to make wonderful arts from pieces of fabric.\r\nThere is a forum, events and exhibitions calendar, list of members with additional info, photogallery available.

Design of pages: www.dobragrafika.cz

Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, Javascript

The pages are created from PHP objects, where the basic object handles templates and other pages inherit these features through extending objects. Each page is defined by a template using the Template_Sigma PEAR module.\r\nData isstored in a MySQL database.\r\nAll inforamtion are filled via the admin interface.\r\n


Informational server for czech and foriegn golfers containing info about the czech and slovak golf courses. It's possible to search golf courses by many criteria, look for near by accomodation, gourmet and attractions. It's possible to buy or sell used golf equipment in the on-line bazaar, chat in forums about the golf courses, news, articles, blogs, ...\r\nThe readers can register themselves and thus write their own blogs, get newsletter and much more, ...

Design of pages: www.form08.com

Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAX

The pages are created from PHP objects, where the basic object handles templates and other pages inherit these features through extending objects. Each page is defined by a template using the Template_Sigma PEAR module.\r\nData isstored in a MySQL database.\r\nRatings and other inline operations are done by AJAX technology.\r\nForm submit, panel operations and others are done by Javascript framework prototype.js.\r\nAll inforamtion are filled via the admin interface.\r\n

Research library Liberec

Informational web site of the Research library in Liberec

Design of pages: www.dobragrafika.cz

Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, Javascript

The pages are created from PHP objects, where the basic object handles templates and other pages inherit these features through extending objects. Each page is defined by a template using the Template_Sigma PEAR module.\r\nData isstored in a MySQL database.\r\nAll inforamtion are filled via the admin interface.\r\n

ARS General

A web presentation of an agency providing financial, advertising and polygraphics services.

Design of pages: www.dobragrafika.cz

Technologies used: XHTML, CSS

Static pages, converted from JPG design to HTML and CSS\r\n

ELKO Valenta - shops

Web pages of the electric appliance shops.

Design of pages: www.wsd.cz

Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS

The pages from WSD. We have modified some pages to dynamic using SQL queries to the MySQL database and displaying results using Sigma Templates.\r\nAll information are inserted/modified via admin interface.\r\n

Johanka Edlmanová

Web pages of a young show jumping rider, an artist and a midinette.

Design of pages: an.y-co.de

Technologies used: Joomla

The pages are created in Joomla CMS with integreted photogallery called The Gallery.

Renata Edlmanová

Web pages of an artist from Litomyšl - a painter, a quilt maker

Design of pages: an.y-co.de

Technologies used: PHP, XHTML, CSS

The pages are created iin PHP complying XHTML and CSS standarts.

Stable Manon Litomyšl

Web pages of jumping horse stable. There is a photogallery, races results, races proposals, list of horses, offer of horses for sale with request form, formatted version of pages for print.

Design of pages: www.dobragrafika.cz

Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, Javascript

The pages are created from PHP objects, where the basic object handles templates and other pages inherit these features through extending objects. Each page is defined by a template using the Template_Sigma PEAR module.\r\nData isstored in a MySQL database.\r\nAll inforamtion are filled via the admin interface.\r\n

RML catalogues ONLINE

Catalogues of Litomyšl Regional Muzeum online. Some funds kept in Demus software are available online for public. It's possible to search using simple or extended form (with logical concatanation of conditions), result can be displayed in simple table, catalogue with previews and detail with more switchable images and links to binded dictionary keywords.\r\nThe result is displayed on pages, with possibility to switch the views smoothly. It's possible to format the result for printing.

Design of pages: www.rml.cz

Technologies used: PHP, PostgreSQL, PL/PgSQL, Templates, Javascript

PHP displays forms and builds query conditon based on definition files. The result is displayed using templates. Form data are stroed in the Session. It's possible to restore the form and easily change the query conditions.\r\nDefinition files define form fields and result display. Each field has a type which guarantee that only correct value can be inserted (date, inventary number, text, ...).\r\nJavascript is used for displaying (switching thumbnails, basic image protection, help popup window, dictionary windows). These scripts use prototype.js library.\r\nThe data are stored in the PostgreSQL database which guarantee relations between tables using RI/FK. The data are exported from Demus (Acess 97) using ODBC, several queries and macros into temporary tables in the PostgreSQL database. Finally it's imported to the \"live\" tables using stored procedures written in PL/PgSQL.\r\nThere is an admin interface allowing change of records in the catalogues, text replace in the tables, change of textual parts of the web.\r\n


Pilotní projekt krajského centra primární prevence, které vznikne na počátku roku 2009 v Ústí n. Orlicí. Vznik projektu je spojen s konkrétními potřebami učitelů a žáků, které vzešly ze vzájemných setkání v průběhu minulých let.\r\nSmyslem prevka je systematická podpora aktivit v oblasti primární i sekundární prevence sociálně nežádoucích jevů.

Design of pages: an.y-co.de

Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, Templates

The pages are created from PHP objects, where the basic object handles templates and other pages inherit these features through extending objects. Each page is defined by a template using the Template_Sigma PEAR module.\r\nData isstored in a MySQL database.\r\nAll inforamtion are filled via the admin interface.\r\n

Czechtourism - Google maps

A Google maps mapplet to be used as a search tool for finding interesting touristic destination in the Czech Republic, especially for foreign tourists.

Design of pages: an.y-co.de

Technologies used: Google maps and mapplet APIs, Javascript, XML, CSS, PHP, MySQL

The Mapplet is written according to API specification in XML and other codes are written in Javascript. The look is defined using CSS. The information about destinations is fetched from a database on the server side by PHP scripts. There is an admin interface for maintenance of destinations info.

GolfCzech - Google maps

A Google maps mapplet to be used as a search tool for finding golf resorts in the Czech Republic. Results on the map are linked to information on the www.golfczech.com server. The mapplet shares all displayed information with the server.

Design of pages: an.y-co.de

Technologies used: Google maps and mapplet APIs, Javascript, XML, CSS, PHP, MySQL

The Mapplet is written according to API specification in XML and other codes are written in Javascript. The look is defined using CSS. The information about resorts is fetched from a database on the server side by PHP scripts.

McDonalds Restaurants - Google maps

A Google maps mapplet to be used as a search tool for finding McDonalds restaurants in the Czech Republic according to various criteria specified in a form.

Design of pages: an.y-co.de

Technologies used: Google maps and mapplet APIs, Javascript, XML, CSS, PHP, MySQL

The Mapplet is written according to API specification in XML and other codes are written in Javascript. The look is defined using CSS. The form information is sent to the server using API functions and data is fetched from a database on the server side by PHP scripts. There is an admin interface for maintenance of destinations info.


ICPFSB is an international non-profit organization, operating under the auspices of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) since 1993 with postal banks and providers of postal and financial services. Our key missions are promoting postal banking within the retail banking sector and creating a platform for member cooperation.\r\nThe web pages provide inforamtion about the organization, its members, news from the financial world. Registered users can download all documents, not registered user can download public documents only.

Design of pages: www.dobragrafika.cz

Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, JQuery, Templates

The pages are created from PHP objects, where the basic object handles templates and other pages inherit these features through extending objects. Each page is defined by a template using the Template_Sigma PEAR module.\r\nJavascript toolkit JQuery is used for expanding/collapsing sections.\r\nData isstored in a MySQL database.\r\nAll inforamtion are filled via the admin interface.\r\n


MPark is a place for event of all kind - musical and dance events, events for children and seniors, weddings, garden parties ... It's located in Hanušovice between towns of Šumperk and Jeseník.\r\nThe web pages provide information about events with ticket reservation. There is a photogallery from past events. It's possible to register for newsletters and thus be informed about planned events.

Design of pages: www.dobragrafika.cz

Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, JQuery, Templates

The pages are created from PHP objects, where the basic object handles templates and other pages inherit these features through extending objects. Each page is defined by a template using the Template_Sigma PEAR module.\r\nJavascript toolkit JQuery is used for expanding/collapsing of the menu.\r\nData isstored in a MySQL database.\r\nAll inforamtion are filled via the admin interface.\r\n

BPL servis

BPL servis Ltd works on professional level at advertising textiles production, import of specific advertising items from Far East, interior realizations and P.O.P. elements.

Design of pages: www.dobragrafika.cz

Technologies used: PHP, XHTML, CSS, JQuery, AJAX, Templates

The pages are mostly static HTML files which are displayed by PHP and templates, which ensure the same look for all pages. Page browsing of the same category is done by AJAX and JQuery library.

R35 Litomyšl

A project of citizens of Litomyšl trying to find a way to place high speed road R35 further from town of Litomyšl.

Design of pages: www.dobragrafika.cz

Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, jQuery, Templates

The pages are created from PHP objects, where the basic object handles templates and other pages inherit these features through extending objects. Each page is defined by a template using the Template_Sigma PEAR module.\r\nData isstored in a MySQL database.\r\nAll inforamtion are filled via the admin interface.

Renault dealers - Google maps

A Javascript application which searches Renault dealers and services in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. It uses Google Maps API for displaying results. After that it's possible to find a way to a selected dealer from any place. It's possible to display the location using StreetView where supported by Google.

Design of pages: an.y-co.de

Technologies used: Google maps APIs, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX, XML, XHTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL

A Javascript application read the form and sends data to a server using AJAX. A PHP script on the server side fetches data from a database and returns result as XML. The application displays the result on the map using Google Maps API. It uses API version 3 for map and API version 2 for StreetView (which was not supported in API version 3 at the time of development).\r\nA route search is done by sending the form data to the Google server, the result is displayed on the map and as a textual list.\r\nForm check, data send, show/hide of form panes and switching of of map/StreetView is done by jQuery Javascript library.

Green alley

A web presentation of a project for building flat house in Litomyšl

Design of pages: www.dobragrafika.cz

Technologies used: XHTML, CSS

Static pages, converted from JPG design to HTML and CSS

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